Premium Limousin Cattle Breeding Program
The Western Gold Limousin Stud was established in 2011 by Shane and Hannah Hohnberg with the purchase of 3 heifers from Bonian and 1 heifer from the Menadue Stud. These females have gone on to be the core of our herd!
Since those early beginnings we have added genetics from some of Australia’s leading studs including Mandayen, Shalone, Birubi, Bonian and Warrawindi as well as imported semen.
Our aim is to produce cattle for the Commercial and Stud Industries that meet a wide variety of markets; they must be Polled, Structurally Sound, Fertile and Docile. Shane has a background in the meat industry therefor the Limousin breed is the perfect match as they have unequaled carcass attributes.
In 2014 the Western Gold Stud started showing their cattle at country shows around Victoria; by the following year we had class winners at the Royal Melbourne Limousin Feature Show and are currently planning towards the 2017 Royal Sydney Limousin Feature.
Image Gallery
Great results at the royal Melbourne show as well as other regional shows. Please click on an image to enlarge.
Direct Enquiries
Please feel free to contact either Shane or Hannah regarding the Limousin Breed that we are so passionate about!
Alternatively please use the email form below to contact Shane or Hannah with any questions or enquiries.